Photo of Eduardo Sales Spain

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Eduardo Sales (Valencia, 1927) He studied at the school of arts and crafts (since 1941) and School of Fine Arts in Valencia (1945-1950). He combines the personal practice of easel painting with professional work in the fields of restoration, mural painting and stained glass. In 1955 traveling with Manolo Gil, contracted by the Ministry of Public Works of the Dominican Republic to perform artistic work on the "Peace Fair"...

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Eduardo Sales (Valencia, 1927) He studied at the school of arts and crafts (since 1941) and School of Fine Arts in Valencia (1945-1950). He combines the personal practice of easel painting with professional work in the fields of restoration, mural painting and stained glass. In 1955 traveling with Manolo Gil, contracted by the Ministry of Public Works of the Dominican Republic to perform artistic work on the "Peace Fair" held in Santo Domingo. Exhibits at the historic Sala Mateu-prelude artistic modernity in Valencia during the year 1959. In the decades of 60 and 70, his work defines a personality that is reflected in painting, with a fusion of the deep knowledge of pictorial techniques with the international avant-garde forms and poorly understood widespread in Spain. In 1976 he joined as a lecturer at the Department of Drawing of the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos, a Pedagogical activity that develops until the year 1998. This activity estmarcada s academic institutions for their commitment and for their exceptional teaching. He has exhibited in prestigious galleries and institutional spaces and national Valencia. The long career, AFTER more than five decades of continuous activity, make it by Merit own protagonist of the painting Valencia in the second half of the twentieth century.

Solo Exhibitions:

1952-"Eduardo Sales", Valencia, Exhibition Hall of the association of the Press

1959- "Exhibition of Eduardo Sales" at Sala Mateu, Valencia

1960- "II Exhibition of Eduardo Sales" at Sala Mateu, Valencia

1973- "Exhibition of paintings" Eduardo Sales, Valencia, Circle of Fine Arts

1974- "Exhibition of paintings" Eduardo Sales, Valencia, Circle of Fine Arts

1979- "Exhibition Eduardo Sales", Orta Gallery, Valencia,

1981- "Eduardo Sales", Exhibition, Elda (Alicante), Sorolla Room

1988-Eduardo Sales, Valencia, Circle of Fine Arts

1991-Eduardo Sales Painting, Valencia, Exhibition Hall of the Cultural Center of the Savings Bank

1992-Eduardo Sales, Painting , Avima Art Gallery, Denia (Alicante)

1993 Eduardo Sales, Tretze, Art Gallery, Castellon,

1994-Eduardo Sales, Signs Space, Valencia, Benlliure, Art Gallery

1995-Eduardo Sales Signs of space, Elche, Alicante, Alebús, Art Gallery

1996-Eduardo Sales, Tretze, Art Gallery, Castellon

1997-Sales, Valencia, Benlliure Art Gallery

1998-Eduardo Sales painting, Torrent (Valencia) Exhibition Hall Caja Rural de Torrent

1999-Eduardo Sales, Signs Space II Valencia, Palau de la Musica

2000-Sales, Benlliure, Art Gallery

2005 Benlliure IV Signs of the space, Current, Art Contemporary, Madrid

2006-Traces of Memory, Museum of the City of Valencia

2007-Shared Space, MUCBE, Benicarlo, Castelln

Group Exhibitions:

1946-VI University Art Exhibition, Valencia, Sala del Ateneo Mercantil

1947 -VII University Art Exhibition, Valencia, Halls of the Provincial Exhibition

1948-Motion Pro 3 study tour course Valencia, Sala Braulio-VIII university art Exhibition, Valencia, exhibition Halls on the Council City. Gets the silver medal in the landscape section of Alumni Exhibition

1949-4-year San Carlos, Valencia, Sala Braulio Pensioners collective Exhibition at the University of the Rbida, Seville, School of Latin American Studies

1950-I Art Living the introspective, Valencia, Sala Braulio, IX University Art Exhibition, Valencia, Provincial Halls. Mention Onorfica obtained with work called Santa Catalina

1953-II competition spring, Madrid Chamber Turner-Second Biennial of Art of the Kingdom of Valencia, Valencia, Sala del Ateneo Mercantil Salon

1960-March I, Valencia, Hall and Gardens Dorado Diputación n Provincial Collective

1962-Present Art Exhibition, Valencia, Sala Braulio

1963-Collective exhibition in aid of St Peter the Fisherman's Home, Valencia, City Council Chambers

1977-XIV Salon March, Valencia, Ribera Galer to Art

1980-Exhibition of paintings and sculptures traveling, Valencia, delegacin Provincial Federation of Culture and Cultural Associations Valencia

1981-L'Art School, Valencia, San Jose Professional Schools

1985 - Art in Valencia, Quart de Poblet, Valencia, City Hall-Art in Valencia, Benidorm, Alicante, Room

1986-City Council Meetings in Benicassim, Benicassim, Castelln, City Hall -69 plastic Valencia, Madrid, Centro Cultural Villa-Plastic contemporary Valenciana, Valencia, Edificio de la Lonja, Valencia Contemporary Plastic, Castelln, Palace of Art plastic-VII Provincial Council of Alicante, Alicante, Showroom

1987-Plastica Contemporanea Valenciana , Alcoy, Alicante, Centro Municipal de Cultura -100 years Viguer Casa Valencia, Circulo de Bellas Artes-Second Conference of Contemporary Art, Villareal, Castelln, City Hall, Valencians Pintors Contemporanis, Torrent, Valencia, Municipal Chambers Exhibition Hall

1992-The Square in the Eixample, Valencia, Eixample, Art Gallery.

1993-Close Encounters of the socket, Mexico DF Mexico-University Board Room Collective Avima, Denia, Alicante, Collective Spring, Denia, Alicante, Sala-Vill Avima 'Art, Villar del Arzobispo, Valencia, City Hall -Collective, Denia, Alicante, Sala Avima-Marine, Jvea, Alicante, Atelier Art Gallery, Interart '93, Valencia, Recinto Ferial "Walking the Zcalo, Valencia Polytechnic University Hall-Collective, Denia, Alicante, Sala Avima-Collective exhibition, Jvea, Alicante, Atelier Art Gallery

1994-VII shows Benlliure, Valencia, Galeria Benlliure "Art Auction and Jewels, Valencia, Bancaja Showroom-Arte Santander, Santander, Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria-Valencia-94 Interart Toulose (France)

1995-Collective Exhibition Centre Summer, Valencia, Benlliure Galaria Art-Arte Santander , Santander, Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria-Interart Valencia,

1996-IX Fairground Shows Benlliure, Valencia, Benlliure Interart Art Gallery-96 Valencia, Venue-Other Approaches, Valencia, Palau of music, art auctions, Valencia, Museo de la Ciudad

1997-X Displays Benlliure, Glasgow Art Gallery

1998-XI Benlliure Show Benlliure, Valencia Benlliure Art Gallery-Sierra Leone, Valencia, Viciana Art Gallery & Contemporary Classics, Valencia, Benlliure, Galeria de Arte-From Sala Mateu, Valencia, Royal Dockyards, Arts Project 98, Valencia, Palau de la Musica, Valencia Interart 98,

1999-Interart Fairgrounds 99, Valencia,

2000 Fairground -27 Perspectives, Valencia, Showroom Pequeo Ibercaja-Format, Valencia, Gallery Format-Interart Pequeo 2000, Valencia,

2001-Interart Venue 2001, Valencia, Fairground

WORK IN INSTITUTIONS Bancaixa, Valencia Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, Valencia Faculty of Fine Arts , Valencia Contemporary Art Fund, Polytechnic University of Valencia Valencia Provincial Council Fund Cloister of Santo Domingo (Captaincy General) Valencia Mother and Child Hospital, Faculty of madicine Valencia, Valencia Ministry of Public Works, Santo Domingo (Rep Dominican Republic Cathedral (background) Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic National Museum Fund, Caracas (Venezuela Spanish-American University, The Rbida (Huelva) Hispanic University Sevilla American National Autonomous University, UNAM Mexico Ibercaja, Caja Rural Valencia, Valencia Drawing Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Valencia Academy of San Carlos, Valencia

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